

Graham H. Sorenson

Atlantic Aerial Insectivore Conservation Coordinator, Birds Canada

I have worked and studied as an ornithologist and wildlife biologist, and am passionate about birds, conservation, nature, wildlife, and travelling. I grew up in Vermont, did my undergraduate degree in Ohio, worked field biology jobs throughout the US and Canada, did my Master’s degree in Ontario, and have lived in Canada since, now in New Brunswick.

Please feel free to contact me about collaboration opportunities with me or Birds Canada, interest in my experience, or with questions about birds and birding areas in any of the locations I have lived and worked, including my current home in New Brunswick, Canada.

I am grateful to be living and exploring on the traditional and unceded lands of the Mi’kmaq Peoples.

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Blog Posts

Birds Canada Birdathon 2023 – The Griping Plovers

Donate here to help bird conservation in Canada Birdathon Day 2: On May 19, I joined the Atlantic Birds Canada team for a day of biking Birdathon! I woke before 5:00 a.m. and stepped outside to hear the first few birds. Then while eating breakfast looking out our window, a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird came to…